

Less Is More

For those unable to afford the mansion of their dreams, any home can still be their castle. It may take a little imagination and some...


Oddly Shaped

Many of the smallest lots of large subdivisions are oddly shaped, and they might have been too difficult for builders to consider in the past....


Lifting Restrictions

There are newer tracts of land where the parameters of building have been put in place to keep the value of the area in a...


Creating Your Dream Dwelling

Building your own home is an aspiration many possess, but only a few have the courage to undertake. The path to constructing a self-built home...


Planning a Home

Building a tiny house is about being able to plan for what is truly necessary. An extra bedroom, a second bath, a separate dining room,...


Solution To Property Prices

The traditional dream of homeownership is increasingly out of reach for many. Spiralling property prices have pushed the concept of owning a brick-and-mortar home into...


The Gentle Lapping Of Water

Living on a canal, whether in a stationary home or on a floating vessel like a canal boat or barge, offers a distinctive living experience...


Clearing the Land

One of the first steps in building a home is cleaning out the trees and bushes in the way of construction, but there are several...


The Rise in Container Homes

Recycling has become an important part of the modern world, so those who want to keep down their building expenses have found container homes are...